We recognize that, in terms of respect for shareholders, it is an important management issue to comply with shareholder profit and to pay stable dividends.
And our basic policy is to realize stable dividends by considering earning performance, strengthening of our financial standing, and internal reserves to prepare for future business development, etc. comprehensively.
In regards to this term’s dividend of surplus, according to "(Progress of disclosure) Notice of appropriation of loss on construction contracts and extraordinary losses (late charge on construction, provision of allowance for doubtful accounts, and loss on valuation of inventory)." we disclosed today, we regret to inform that we pay no dividend to you because of the significant impacts on net income in non-consolidated and consolidated financial reports for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, resulting in a loss.
With respect to the final dividend for the next fiscal year (ending March 31, 2022), we are sorry to inform that we do not pay dividend to shareholders strengthening of our financial standing, and internal reserves to prepare for future business development, etc. as a whole.
We sincerely apologize to our shareholders and ask for your continued supports as we strive to resume dividend payments as soon as possible.